Why Kajabi Is The Best Website Platform For your Tribal Nation


Kajabi is an aboriginal word that means 'to take flight,'” . Kajabi is a content marketing system that offers businesses like Tribal nations & organizations a single and centralized platform from which to sell, market and deliver product content. ... With Kajabi, Tribal nations can create digital products such as online language learning courses, citizen portals and live stream council meetings, cultural training and so much more.

Kajabi is the best all in one, easy to use platform. You have one monthly or yearly rate and everything just works properly! There's no updating Wordpress plugins, Wordpress themes or WordPress Security issues.


Kajabi is the most intuitive platform I’ve come across and you will save time again and again by using it. Creating a new page, a new blog post, a sales page, or anything else, is easy and straightforward. You have one monthly or yearly rate and everything just works properly! There's no updating Wordpress plugins or Wordpress themes.

You can drag and drop images, text, and so much more. No more time trying to find the right plugin, code the image dimensions perfectly, or change the formatting of text to be “just right.” 

While Kajabi does have a monthly fee, you will save money in the long run because you won’t be paying for premium themes, paying for plugins, or paying to keep your site safe…or worse yet have your hacked site restored.



With so many funnel and pipeline options built in to Kajabi you can setup a truly engaging and clear system to serve your community and Tribal members. Here are just some of the possibilities:

  • Unlimited landing pages with beautiful, high converting templates - build as many as you need for your Tribal events.

  • Sales pages for Tribal merchandise etc.

  • Webinar pages - deliver your Tribal council meeting via virtual webinars right from within Kajabi

  • Email systems and automated responders. Get your messages out there fast and easy

  • Event management - set up and manage registrations for online events or offline events

  • User profile and account history for your citizen portal.

  • e-Commerce integration with Paypal and Stripe with flexible payment options for your customers including one-time payments, financing plans and subscription plans perfect for your Tribal enterprise needs.

  • Simple tools for uploading and storing all of your videos and audios and images....all included in one monthly price.



Have you spent hundreds of dollars on your WordPress website trying to make it secure? Multiple plugins. Daily backups. Monitoring login attempts. And even with all of that, there was always still a risk of getting hacked.

If you didn’t update a plugin immediately, you could get hacked. If you updated a plugin without backing up your website first, it could crash your website and then you wouldn’t (easily) be able to restore it. Every time you got a new plugin, there was a change it would crash your site or conflict with another plugin. Have you ever seen the notorious “white screen of death”?

I have, It’s exhausting and stressful.

You don’t have to worry about any of that at all with Kajabi.

Wordpress is used by roughly 35 percent of ALL websites online. Roughly 90 percent of all the hacked CMS's Sucuri investigated and helped fix in 2018 were WordPress Sites. The majority of WordPress vulnerabilities is due to plugins. With Kajabi there are no plugins, everything is self-contained. In addition, the Kajabi platform runs off cloud hosting so you don't need to look for any special media hosting in addition to what you are paying for.

Katrina Upton

Tech Mom of 3 | Horse Lover | Mac User | Website Designer | Native Biz Owner | Proud Tuu-tuu-dv-ne


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