American Indian Professionals Community
American Indian Professionals Community
Our private Facebook group is a place for American Indian students, artists, entrepreneurs, and other professionals to post and share funding, training, career and business opportunities
What people are saying about our private Facebook group.
“…very informative for the working people or those that are trying to excel themselves. In any given field. Great opportunities.”
— Gerine Hinshaw
“…very beneficial to me.
I found several amazing scholarships, grants and internships that I’ve applied for. This website provides a wider audience a glance into what’s available. It’s such a valuable asset.”
— Melissa Martinez
“From just the very name, Professionals, I derived a sense of pride as I not only explored your page, but thought about the people behind the scenes and making these things possible....I want to be one of them. ”
— Irie Salmans
“Wow! Love the multiple opportunities offered and the benefits of many choices Thank You”
— Lyla Moore